Jesus did the same. He left the grandeur of heaven to live among us and become one of us. We were once unreached, and Jesus was our missionary. Now, we go to people who have never known Him and do as He did.

Jesus told a story that revealed His heart for the unreached. In this story, He compared himself to a shepherd who lost one of his hundred sheep. The shepherd searched for the lost sheep, and when he found it, he rejoiced greatly because all his sheep were found. The lost people groups are like the one lost sheep. Just as the shepherd pursued his lost sheep, Jesus will pursue the unreached, and all heaven will rejoice when they are found.

How will Jesus seek out these people groups? Through ordinary Christians going to every language group in the world. Right before he left earth, Jesus assured his followers that “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore,” He commanded them, “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-19). The power of Jesus still stands. His command still stands. And both are directed at us, today’s church.